The Electrical Expert (THELEX) is a part of ‘My Solar’ company which is located in the financial capital of Gujarat – the city of Ahmedabad. THELEX is a well-known and leading manufacturer and dealer of solar and electrical switchgear products. Our vision is to provide standard quality products at the best prices in the market, to enhance the safe and reliable application and usage of the products. Our expert team designs and develops products that meet client requirements and safety standards. THELEX continuously thrives to provide best-in-class products with a vision of serving products designed by using the latest and most advanced technology.
We provide safe, reliable, and long-lasting products at competitive price quotations and also provide post-sales services. THELEX is dedicated to 24*7 services for our valuable customers and hence it makes THELEX perfectly suitable for various different requirements of various clients. THELEX is growing with a solid vision of expanding the best products in the electrical market. We are committed to providing satisfaction to each and every customer. Check out our wide range of products and get a quote and specifications with a single click only at THELEX.

Standard quality
We maintain excellence in quality for a cleaner and greener future.

Safe and reliable
We are the perfect choice for a valuable and ethical practice.

Advanced technology
With a continuous focus on research, we have crossed the highest milestones.

Service and support
Our customer-friendly service facility provides easy access for you to rely upon.